Parent website guides for homeschooling
1. The HomeschoolMom
Full of information, forms, requirements.
The writers at The Activity Mom are all former classroom teachers who now focus their attention on teaching their own kids and sharing resources and educational activities with others. Their blog is a great resource for parents looking for fun and educational activities, especially for toddlers, preschoolers, and elementary age students.
Articles on getting started, curriculum reviews, printable lessons, and links to local support groups make this site a great resource, especially for families who are new to homeschooling.
A must-follow blog for homeschoolers who want to keep it simple, Jamie of Simple Homeschool shares reviews, giveaways, and articles on curriculum and other topics as well as inspiration and encouragement for homeschooling families.​
This site offers articles, curriculum reviews, and other learning resources for homeschooling kids with autism, ADHD, learning disorders, and other special needs.